We’re a team of highly-skilled leaders and dedicated, passionate advisors who treat clients as we would want to be treated ourselves, fairly and transparently. We’re target-oriented and we thrive on success.

Alan Donnelly new photo

Alan Donnelly

Executive Chairman

Alan Donnelly Executive Chairman

Hatice Beton new photo

Hatice Beton

Chief Executive Officer

Hatice Beton Chief Executive Officer

Jonathan Donnelly new photo

Jonothon Donnelly

Chief Operating Officer

Jonothon Donnelly Chief Operating Officer

Elizabeth photo

Elizabeth Walker

Senior Administrator and Event Coordinator

Elizabeth Walker  HR Advisor

Senior Counsel

Simon Collis

Simon Collis

Senior Counsel, Middle East and GCC

Simon Collis Senior Counsel, Middle East and GCC

Elmar jpg

Elmar Brok

Senior Counsel International Affairs

Elmar Brok Senior Counsel International Affairs

Peter Cardwell photo

Peter Cardwell

Senior Counsel

Peter Cardwell Senior Counsel

Larry jpg

Larry Tint

Senior Counsel

Larry Tint Senior Counsel

Guenther jpg

Guenther Jonitz

Senior Counsel

Guenther Jonitz Senior Counsel